Monday 2 November 2009


Do soulmates really exist or is it just my wishful thinking ? Is it just my imagination which has been fed by the many romantic novels and movies which I have read and seen or is it an inner feeling ? Happy or Sad ? Content or wishing for more ?
Have I found someone and want to see my soulmate in that person or have I found my soulmate and just need a confirmation ? Well, well, well what exactly is a soulmate ?
When one conforms to someone's idea of a perfect partner or at least one who has the potential to become one, that makes him/her happy but what if the other person does not feel so ? If someone can see their soulmate in me and are happy but I am not so happy with them, then what ? Do I become a bad person if I allow this thought to come to my mind ? In love, one never demands anything but if one is not so happy because of certain issues, then what ? Its good to share one's anxieties with one's partner but what if instead of helping resolve issues it freezes things ? Damn, damn !
Its so so complicated ! human relations. Walking alone or walking together, is all but a matter of choice. Happiness resides inside, within us and no person, place or thing can give it to you or take it away from you. Wow, that was a zen moment!

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