Tuesday, 27 October 2009


Before the advent of the washing machine people used to forcefully
beat wet soaped clothes and linen with a wooden bat in order to drive
the dirt out of those and the result would be a clean spotless piece
of clothing or linen. In my personal opinion each human characteristic
quality/ impressions whether good or bad is akin to an external colouration/spot
on an initially spotless and white cloth. Now whether the colour is
pleasant to the eyes or unpleasant, it still hides the true appearance
of the cloth. In a similar way as living beings until we get rid of
our acquired attributes we will never find out our true nature and attain our
final goal of self realisation. We can also cite the example of water
which is the purest of pure known substances but over a period of time
gets polluted with impurities dissolved in it which can be chemical
waste from industries, or organic dirt or even healthy minerals. But
still when water gets filtered and heated, it boils and attains the
state of vapor which is devoid of any impurity and this state is its
true nature. Mineral containing water is like a soul with so called good
impressions and polluted water is like a soul with negative impressions
but what needs to be noted is that both kinds of water need to be
filtered, boiled, vapourised in order to return it to its true nature which is pure.
Same with the soul, if we want to get back to our source, our true
nature we need to shed the attachment and bondage to the material
world not by renouncing it but by considering it as a journey which we
need to undertake towards attaining our true nature. And with the goal
always in mind we walk through our lives performing each duty which
comes with our material existence.

Now some thing about me. Left by myself I am quite a content soul who would be happy sailing on the high seas. But once you push me out
into the normal world admist people, I have a recoil effect and I don't really know how to react. Absolutely clueless ! I start mirroring what I see. My inner cravings get awakened. I don't know how to attain a balance and manage everything. I am striving for harmony in life.

and the irony is that all this time I know that this is all an illusion. I couldn't understand what is love ( as in romance) for all these growing up years and used to wonder about its existence. And you know what ? without even my realising it how and when , its happened to me now. With love comes passion, affection, tender feelings. Innermost carnal instincts have been awakened and also a feeling a possessiveness which makes me uncomfortable. Anyway, will keep you posted.

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